Sunday, September 30, 2012

First of the firsts

 Is this you first time on my blog, welcome welcome oh ye ow faithful. Guess what, we already have something in common, it is also my first time on his blog.
Today is my first post of  many post to come ( hope I can keep it up).
Why I choose to post today, we'll it is pretty simple. I have an amazing announcement to make .Drum roll please....................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................ok ok I'll tell you already, I went to baptism today, my own baptism and I am still super hyper and happy that I made that choose to keep on following God as I have for the last 10 months.
I had an amazing time and I am so grateful for all support I got from my pastor and his wife (Sonia en Micha you guys totally rock), not to forget my friends that had I invited that were there for me Desie en Fiona thank you guys you are true fiends and I keep you very close to my heart. Debz my friend that got baptized with me we could lean on each other and pull each other trough the nerves and excitement, to you Debz also thank you.

So how was it you ask..mhhhh let me see.
The day before I was anxious and nervous and I spoke to my pastor to ask him what it was like, he didn't give an thorough explanation , he did explained that what I was feeling was completely natural (not understanding that more of an explanation would have only made me worry more)

On the day itself I was not nervous anymore, after watching the movie SUING THE DEVIL at church, I was dropped home and I decided to watch something that evolved prophets to calm me down, so I went on the internet to see what I could find and I found 4 stories that I watch animated ( they gave me enough courage and strength to not be anxious anymore because the also choose to follow Jesus and be at his side and so would I.

30 September 2012 I was at church in the morning and I was Hyper as always, I enjoyed the music and the preaching for some reason more that usual, I sang happier, I was an a very different level that I normally am.
After the service I took pictures before we left to Delft where we would be baptized in a pool. My Pastor arranged that we had an extra car so that even the people that where not going to be baptized could be ale to travel with us to be present at our baptism.

It was an wonderful experience witch I would love to share with as many people as I can, but only God can move within you when you need him the most so just open the door and let him in.

Pictures will follow..and I.ll keep you posted

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tissy,

    it was awesome, indeed! I'm so happy we got baptised together! We'll keep in touch, not only in church, but now also via your blog. I'll try to follow you and read all your upcoming posts!

    Congrats again, and this time not only for the baptism, but also for your first post! Now I'm going back to mine :) Still a lot to write and it's almost 11PM! :O

    See you soon!
