Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hey you guys well here is my next post, get ready here it comes

In my first blog I talked about my "doping" (an inside joke for the dutch native speaker), just kidding. I talked about my baptism and how amazing that experience was for me, especially that fact that I could share it with people that I hold close to my heart.

I  keep on repeating that my life has just begun, I have just started living about 10 months ago. 10 Months ago .I stepped foot in church or should I say god was calling me and I followed his voice without knowing. (finally)
It was not planned at all, I was not expecting to ever set foot in a church let alone see myself  become a devoted christian

God knocked on my door many times, I would open the door but never let god in, he never left my doorstep, just like he will never leave yours. On that day about 10 months ago I opened a door and invited god into my life, to come and drink a cup op infusions tea with me, walk with him in his garden, sing a song to him. I can only speak from my experience how amazing life can be when you open that door that God has been knocking on, how great it would be to walk in the valley with him that he created, to surrender your life to the all mighty father, THE ONE father that will love you forever, no matter, who you are, no matter where your from, no matter where you came from, no matter what you've done, as long as you stretch out your hand and and give god a chance to walk with you within his might grace.


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will eat with him, and he with me Revelations 2:3

This the first part of my blog part 2 will follow.

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