Tuesday, October 23, 2012

walking the path

Hey you guys well here is my next post, get ready here it comes

In my first blog I talked about my "doping" (an inside joke for the dutch native speaker), just kidding. I talked about my baptism and how amazing that experience was for me, especially that fact that \i could share t with people that I hold close to my heart.

I  keep on repeating that my life has just begun, I have just started living about 10 months ago. 10 Months ago .I stepped foot in church or should I say god was calling me and I followed his voice without knowing. (finally)
It was not planned at all, I was not expecting to ever set foot in a church let alone see myself  become a devoted christian

God knocked on my door many times, I would open the door but never let god in, he never left my doorstep, just like he will never leave yours. On that day about 10 months ago I opened a door and invited god into my life, to come and drink a cup op infusions tea with me, walk with him in his garden, sing a song to him. I can only speak from my experience how amazing life can be when you open that door that God had been knocking on, how great it would be to walk in the valley with him that he created, to surrender your life to the all mighty father, THE ONE father that will love you forever, no matter, who you are, no matter where your from, no matter where you came from, no matter what you've done, as long as you stretch out your hand and and give god a chance to walk with you within his might grace.


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me Revelations 2:3

To me evangelizing is purely talking to people about god, Jesus and the holy ghost. In the bible it is stated that we should go out and let people know the word of god.

I quote the bible: And he said to them, “Go to the entire world and preach my Good News in all creation. Mark 16:15.

So it is more than natural for me to go out there and tell people about his work and how amazing his mighty grace is. If you look at it from a physical point of view, he suffered so much for our sins, they pierced his wrists and his ankles with at rusty nail, and let him hang with all this pain, he is still thinking about us and said to our father forgive the father because the know not what they do.

I quote: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing Luke 23:34

Even in the darkest moment of his life with us (ungrateful humans) on earth he thought about us and asked our father to forgive us, how selfless is that, I am not sure if I would be crucified and hanging there in pain that I could think about anybody else but me and of course I am only human, which Jesus wasn't.

Evey time I struggle with the faith that I am tired of I don't feel like going out to evangelize, I am remind myself of where would I be today f I haven't gotten saved. This automatically gets me fire up to go out and tell the world ( ok Leiden not the world) what mighty things he has done for me, because people seem to understand my personal story better than me standing there and quoting the bible.

I want to tell you that evangelizing is also a mirror to me, it reflects through people we meet how I used to think and how much I've change and this helps me understand so much better why it is so difficult for people to believe in god and the he will love you and forgive you, if only you would  sincerely ask him to.

I went along with a Pastor that came to help us out from Moldova and I went along to evangelize with him so I could translate if needed. He stopped to talked to this guys that was what he would consider as an outcast. 
As he was talking to the guy, I talked to his girlfriend. She was about 14 very insecure she was being bullied buy others. As I was explaining to her that god loves her and that bad thoughts are not from God but from the devil, she replied that when I think bad thoughts about myself is because they are true  other people tell me that also. I looked at her in disbelieve and I urged her not to think bad about herself, because god created her perfect, just the way he wanted, he though about how he wanted her to be and his whispered it and she was born and not to let anybody tell he otherwise.

As I was Talking to a her I realized how much power was within what I just said to the girl. I felt like an hypocrite, I was preaching to this young girl with the best intentions but I myself struggled with the fact that I did not love myself as God loves me. I needed so much work done before I would be able to preach this again to any woman of man, because I wanted it to be real to me when I spoke it. 
This was a while back before my baptism, thankfully god had made me change I love myself like never before, I believe in greater things to come in my life, I believe that god has a wonderful purpose for me.
I also wanted to thank my pastor and his wife for always being there for me, and having a listening ear, I say Amen to that.

Trough my path with Jesus I have changed so much within me, I am a complete different person than about a year ago, the holy spirit has shown me so many wonderful things that I am and will eventually become further in live.
I am eternally grateful that this is possible trough Jesus Christ.
I only strive to keep on growing within, so that I can inspire people and become a true inspiration to many others that struggle or look for guidance in the path with god. I hope that when you read my blog you get inspired to do more of to look up what the fuss is all about.

I dare you today if you do not know god or think that he is just a myth, ask him today, if you are really there will forgive me my sins and let yourself be known, because remember he is waiting on your doormat. 

part 3 will follow

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tissy,
    this is a wonderful testimony! I couldn't stop reading, and I'm looking forward to reading the third part! I thought you'd post it in two parts, but you keep us in suspense ;)
    Anyway, this post is really inspiring. I think you can expect some people from different parts of the world if you continue writing about Jesus. Some people are still searching their way to God and Jesus and will eventually end up on your blog. So you'll certainly inspire someone! Keep up the good work! I admire you for that!
